Workout Wednesday: 3D Lower Body Quick Hitter

Darren Tomasso
3 min readFeb 28, 2019

If you’re like anybody else, sometimes finding the time to train is challenging, especially when you don’t have a plan. Walk into the gym knowing what you need to do and get to work.

I put together a three exercise lower body workout that will improve your strength and power in all three planes of motion (front-to-back, side-to-side, rotational) while challenging your endurance. Plus, you’ll get in and get out. Go through all three exercises with minimal rest but take ample time between sets to recover.

Work smart, get out.

A1. Straight Bar Deadlift:

How To: Depending on space and equipment available, you can perform the deadlift with a straight barbell, trap bar, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Engage your abs and sit the hips straight back as you maintain a flat, neutral spine over the barbell. Grip the barbell outside of your legs, press down from both feet, and pull to standing as you squeeze your glutes and core at the top. Pro-tip: Press your knees out against your arms as you lift off the ground to ensure proper glute function.

Sets and Reps: 4x4–6 reps

Good For: Hamstrings, Glutes, Core

Training Modality: Total Body Strength

A2. KB Swing

How To: Stand with your feet a tad bit wider than shoulder-width, gripping the top of the kettlebell handle with both hands. Bend your knees slightly, then hinge the hips back to hike the kettlebell between your legs. Drive from your heels as you swing it to chest height. Pro-tip: This movement should be coming from the hips, not the arms.

Sets and Reps: 4x12

Good For: Core, Hamstrings, Glutes, Shoulders

Training Modality: Power Development, Dynamic Stability, Hinge Pattern Enhancement

A3. Lateral Lunge w/ Med Ball Side Throw

How To: Stand in a wider stance with your right foot parallel and closest to the wall while holding a 8–16 lb medicine ball. Start by sinking your hips back and bending the left knee over your left foot. As you lower, keep your arms long and bring the medicine ball to the outside of your left leg. Pushing off the left foot, come back to standing while you rotate your torso to throw the ball against the wall. Catch and repeat. Pro-tip: Throw THROUGH the wall, not just at it.

Sets and Reps: 4x12 each leg

Good For: Power, Abs, Legs, Arms,

Training Modality: Power Development, Rotational and Lateral Movement, Dynamic Stability

Add this workout or some of the movements to your training, and send me a video of you as you #WinYourWorkout!

Comment below, shoot me an email ( or continue to #WinYourDay on Instagram, Twitter, MySpace, LimeWire, come over to my parent’s house and have dinner… up to you.



Darren Tomasso

Founder WinYourDay. Performance Trainer for the Everyday Athlete making Health & Wellness more Accessible. SESSION, “Plant-Forward,” Psych @uofpenn.