WinYourDay Travel Guide 1.0

Just because you’re traveling, doesn’t mean the gym can’t come with you

Darren Tomasso
5 min readJul 11, 2019

All summer long, the WinYourDay squad has been turning NYC into our gym. You can do the same, no matter where you are.

Not having access to a gym or feeling like you don’t have the time to work out shouldn’t be the limiting factors in your health and wellness journey — especially when you’re on the road. The key is to keep workouts short and simple using full body movements that trigger a metabolic response so you can build muscle, burn calories and be more efficient with your time.

I put together four different workouts for you to try next time you travel that incorporate some of my favorite bodyweight moves. Each workout takes less than 20 minutes and the only equipment you need is your own body (no need to pay for that extra carry on). These are efficient total body movements you can even add to your regular routine.

Each workout below has a different theme: Mobility, HIIT (high intensity interval training), Strength, and Core. Feel free to mix and match workouts for an extra challenge if you have the time!

Take it outside. Do it in your hotel or apartment. Have fun with it and just get the work done.

1. Mobility Workout

Do this on its own to get your day started or before your workout to get your body ready to fire.

  1. Walkout T-Spine Rotation x 8
  2. Runner’s Lunge x 6 each leg
  3. Glute Bridge x 20
  4. Glute Bridge Hold w. Leg Raise x 15 each leg
  5. Side Plank Hip Lift to Knee Drive x 12 each side

x 2–4 rounds

Walkout T-Spine Rotation
Runner’s Lunge
Bridge with Leg Raise

2. HIIT Based — “Anti-Ladder” Ladder

When time is limited but motivation isn’t.

Directions: What I call the “anti-ladder” ladder. The reps for A1 and A3 will descend from 10 down to 1 with each set. The reps for A2 and A4 will ascend from 1 up to 10. Finish each round with a 30s plank hold. Challenge yourself to finish the workout as quickly as possible while maintaining high quality effort.

For example, complete 10 reps of A1, then 1 rep of A2, then 10 reps of A3, then 1 rep of A4, then finish with a 30 second plank. Next round complete 9 of A1, 2 of A2, 9 of A3, 2 of A4, and so on.

A1 Two Plyo Jumping Jacks to One Tuck Jump x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, …

A2 Push-up Arm Reach x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …

A3 Squat Jump x 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, …

A4 Burpee x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …

A5 Low Plank x 30s

Rest as needed.

A1 Plyometric Jumping Jack into Tuck Jump
A2 Push-up Arm Reach

3. Strength + Metabolic Conditioning Based

Full body strength movements alternating between upper body, lower body, and conditioning.

Upper: Hand Release Push-up to Ten Mountain Climbers x 10

Lower: Squat to Rotational Lunge x 15

Conditioning: High Knees to Skier x 30s

Rest: 90 seconds

x 3 rounds

Hand Release Push-up to Mountain Climbers
Squat to Rotational Lunge
Skier to High Knees

Upper: Arm Hold Bent Over Row x 20 each Arm

Lower: Single Leg Deadlift x 15 each leg

Conditioning: Split Jumps x 30s

Rest: 90 seconds

x 3 rounds

Bent Over Single Arm Row
Single Leg Deadlift
Split Jumps

4. Core Based

Great on its own to target the core or as a finisher after your workout.

A1 Walkout to Push-up to T-spine Rotation to Burpee x 10

A2 Reverse Crunch x 20

A3 Sprinter’s Sit-Up x 20 with controlled lower

A4 Transition Plank w. Ten Leg Lifts (cycle between side plank, low plank, and opposite side plank) x 2 times

Rest 60 seconds

x 4–6 rounds

A1 Walkout to Push-up to T-Spine Rotation to Burpee
A2 Reverse Crunch
A3 Sprinter’s Crunch
A4 Transition Plank with Leg Lifts
Check out the full workout.

Try these out and let me know what you think!

Comment below or shoot me an email ( if you have any questions. Continue to #WinYourDay on Instagram, Twitter, MySpace, LimeWire, come over to my parent’s house and have dinner… up to you.



Darren Tomasso

Founder WinYourDay. Performance Trainer for the Everyday Athlete making Health & Wellness more Accessible. SESSION, “Plant-Forward,” Psych @uofpenn.