Mobility Monday — Unlock Your Tight Hips with this 3D Flow

Darren Tomasso
2 min readJul 16, 2018
Photo @andrewaurellano

Hips are like Grand Central Terminal — they are the platform through which the upper body, lower body, and spine operate. Compensation patterns, reduced efficiency, faulty posture, and muscular imbalance often stem from this region.

The body is an integrated system that changes its homeostasis to mask pain and protect from injury by hiding inefficiencies and compensating for them in ways that can strain other parts of the body.

No matter how active we are, most of us fall victim to the shortcomings of a sedentary lifestyle: sitting at a desk most of the day, hunched over a computer or phone. Sedentary posture often leads to your hip flexors in the front of the thigh being tight and shortened, which creates weakness and functional deficiencies in your supporting tissue (in particular, the core and glutes).

Let’s face it, mobility training isn’t hot because it’s easy to get caught up in more tangible strength, endurance, and aesthetic goals. But when your tight hips are loose, you can get full range in squat and hinge patterns, reduce lower back pain, activate the core and glutes, and improve overall performance.

I put together a hip opener sequence to plug into your prehab routine. Click here to check it out.

Addressing chronically tight hips is just the first step. Once you open up your hips, you then need to wake up the sleepy glutes and core. More to come.

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Darren Tomasso

Founder WinYourDay. Performance Trainer for the Everyday Athlete making Health & Wellness more Accessible. SESSION, “Plant-Forward,” Psych @uofpenn.